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Smash Up: Marvel
The "shufflebuilding" game Smash Up begins with a simple premise: take the 20-card decks of two factions, shuffle them into a deck of forty cards, then compete to crush more bases than your opponents! Each faction involves a different gaming mechanism, and each combination of factions brings a different gaming experience.
A theme-traveling adventure with pirates, zombies, dinosaurs, wizards, and more!
Embark on a fascinating adventure through multiple themes like pirates, sci-fi, fantasy, prehistoric, zombies, and more in Rulebenders, a theme-traveling game that twists the rules of the game (literally and figuratively) and will create a unique game experience every time you play!
Glory Islands
Glory Islands is played over a series of rounds in which players simultaneously play sailing cards from their hands. The card values define the turn order, how far ships can move on the board, and where a player’s pirates may be placed on the board. Depending on where they are placed, pirates may receive glory, treasure tokens, or barrels. The cards may also provide bonus actions that players can use to gain an advantage over their opponents. When pirates occupy all of the spaces on an island, the player with the most pirates on that island will gain the most glory.
Ahoy is a lightly asymmetrical game where two to four players take the roles of swashbucklers and soldiers seeking Fame on the high seas.
Rulebenders (Spanish)
Lo encontré en un mercadillo. No había visto nada igual, un extraño artefacto de metal con un peculiar dibujo en el centro: un tipo de aspecto simpático sonriéndome, pintado con colores fluorescentes.
The Caribbean in the 17th Century: You are seafarers and adventurers, trying to increase your reputation with various nations, establish strong alliances, and obtain wealth and fame.
Trinidad Deluxe
1580, South America: a new colony born on the ashes of the previous settlement. The difficulties are many: the natives who try to repel the invader, the laking of resources, the English Corsairs who threaten destruction. Will you succeed in the challenge?
Smash Up
Aliens and ninjas! Pirates and dinosaurs! Combine the powers of two factions and use your minions to smash Bases in this hilarious strategy game that rewards different tactics every time depending on which decks you smash together.
Maracaibo: The Uprising
The first big expansion of Maracaibo features several modules and scenarios, e.g. pushing the predominant nations out of the Caribbean (in competitive or cooperative mode). Other elements are asymmetrical player abilities, new optional stories and legacy tiles as well as new project cards. Solo fans will encounter a new rival, Jacque!