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You and your competitors’ transit companies have been hired by the city to build new subway lines and commercial developments to improve the city\'s bottom line.
Crossing Oceans
Towards the end of the 19th Century, ever larger and faster ocean liners revolutionized the growing maritime traffic. Daring shipping companies opened steamship lines to the most important ports worldwide. Modern steel juggernauts replaced traditional sailing ships and competed intensely for dominance on the major shipping routes.
At the top of Mount Olympus, hidden above the clouds, lies Mytikas. Here the gods reign supreme, watching over and governing the lives of the mortals below. You are builders who wish to uncover the mystery of Olympus and draw nearer to the divine light. You must therefore construct prosperous cities and magnificent temples at different levels on the mountain by skillfully moving your resources closer to the summit. Gaining the favor of the gods at just the right moment will help you complete your task, but there is limited space on the mountain...