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  • Minimum players: 2
  • Mechanism: Closed Economy Auction
  • Mechanism: I Cut, You Choose
Rome in a Day
  • -20%
  • -20%

Rome in a Day

£19.96 £24.95
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The once thriving Roman Empire fell apart. Who can resist the temptation to claim some of the lands for themselves? Do you prefer vineyards or quarries? Or maybe you want a little bit of everything with some olive groves and an oil mill on top? All you need is to make a good trade: offer a beautiful antique theater in exchange or add a few precious diamonds… Divide and swap lands, outguess and bribe your opponents! Create a prosperous domain from the lots of Rome!

Availability: Out of Stock
Ra (Retail Edition)
  • -12%
  • -12%

Ra (Retail Edition)

£48.39 £54.99
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Ra is an auction and set-collection game with an Ancient Egyptian theme. Each turn players are able to purchase lots of tiles with their bidding tiles (suns). Once a player has used up his or her suns, the other players continue until they do likewise, which may set up a situation with a single uncontested player bidding on tiles before the end of the round occurs.

Availability: Out of Stock