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Change Horses
Do you have trouble winning at racing games? Well, this game is for the losers out there. Yes, to “win” the game, you have to pick the horse which comes in last. Sounds simple, but, of course, the other players are trying to lose as well.
The king of Utopia has invited princes of the greatest civilizations of antiquity to come and live within the walls of his city, welcoming in doing so, the architectural wealth of their far-away cities.
The goal of each team is to eliminate the other by depleting their health pool. Students share a collective health pool. All students and the Anomaly execute their movement behind a player screen, so it\'s rare to know exactly where another player is. Students will try to signal their location to the other students using location hint cards, and the Anomaly in turn will use these cards to triangulate the students\' positions.
Empires rise and fall. In the buffer areas and crossroads between civilizations, however, a clever ruler can sometimes adopt new ideas, establish trade, and found a city state.
The board shows the Caribbean in the 18th century. Six pirate ships lie in wait on the sea. They are ready to pillage the rich ports or to rob the booty from other ships. The sea is divided into spaces. Each player has three safe havens marked in his color on the board.
Mall World
Players compete in the building of Mall World. It is scheduled to be the largest indoor shopping mall in the world. In the planning, it is important to get the right shops in the right locations.
Fifth Avenue
Building in New York City is booming and everyone wants to get in on the new fad – buildings that touch the sky: skyscrapers! Players compete to build their sky scrapers in the best locations, but what is a good location? One with shopping – and the more shopping, the better!
O Zoo le Mio
All players are zoo directors and try to attract the most visitors to their zoos. Success comes to the player who creates the largest attractions.
Gnumies are several races of alien space-faring creatures who love to party. They have parties as often as possible and invite all their friends, but try to avoid having certain party-crashers as guests. Getting families to come gives players extra points, but allowing gate-crashers in, loses points.
Master Print: Papà Paolo
Master Print: Papà Paolo
Papà Paolo brings you to the beautiful city of Naples, birthplace of one of the world\'s favorite dishes: pizza. In Papà Paolo, 2 to 4 players compete to deliver the most pizzas to the hungry customers of Naples. To do this, you must outsmart your rivals by being a clever investor, bidding on the right city tiles, and creating your own little district of Naples.
In a distant land, many years ago there rose a great and wealthy city. Its name, now forgotten by most, was Hermagor. Commerce was the source of its richness, because from all its territory men, artisans, and adventurers brought to the city all kinds of merchandise to sell there: weapons, ancient books, precious relics, and the rare dragon eggs.
Guild Master
Trouble is on the rise. And for adventuring guilds this spells opportunity.
Enigma: Beyond Code
World War II is in full swing. Germany widely uses Enigma rotor cypher machines. Breaking the Enigma code would give the Allies an advantage in the war. But this is just one side of the coin.
The Enigma code is based on Chaos — a non-measurable force lurking beyond the boundaries of our world and eager to consume all things alive. The code decryption would stop the Chaos invasion into our world.
Numenera Starter Set
Explore the vast, fascinating, and unique setting of Numenera—the Ninth World. Gather your friends, open this box, and begin playing right away! The game is easy to learn and fun to play. Whether you’re new to Numenera or new to roleplaying games, this box has everything you need to get started.
Daring Contest
Daring Contest
A party game for best friends who do stupid sh*t together. Some say best friends are the people you can always trust... we don’t.
In the 17th century, Russia began to expand eastwards to develop the vast expanses of Siberia. This phase in history is closely associated with the name Stroganov. In Stroganov, players try to collect the best furs to gain wealth and fame as they move across the vastness that is Siberia.
Cavemen: The Quest for Fire
Cavemen: The Quest for Fire is a card-drafting game in which players take the role of tribal leaders. The tribes compete for opportunities to hunt dinosaurs, recruit tribesmen, and discover new technologies, vying to be the first with enough knowledge and prestige to invent fire and usher in the age of modern humanity!
2000 BC. A new empire is about to emerge in the north of Mesopotamia.
Nomadic tribes gather under the leadership of Assur, a city-state dedicated to the cult of the powerful mountain god.