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Revolution of 1828
It is 1828 and the time for elections has come around again in this newly-formed democracy we call the United States of America. John Quincy Adams and Andrew Jackson are the candidates vying for the people’s votes. For the first time in history, this grand campaign is also fought on the pages of newspapers and the eager public audience. This was an election that found its way into history books with its yet unseen ruthlessness and malevolence. This was America’s first smear campaign.
Prowler's Passage
In the heart of the sleeping city, there lies incredible wealth. The city gates are well guarded, but no one is watching what’s under their feet. The dead of night provides just enough cover for you to tunnel your way to untold riches and plunder the city from within. But you must act quickly, because a rival thief has the same plan.
Eleminis 3rd Edition. Control the Elements
Eleminis are cute mini elements! Air, Water, Rock Fire and Plant. Collect all 5 to win! Add Eleminis to your own collection, or use them to beat your friends’ Eleminis! Each Elemini is stronger than two others. Fire burns Air and Plant. Action cards let you mix and move your own and your friends’ Eleminis.
Alien Frontiers: Factions - Definitive Edition
For the first time ever, we\'ve combined all of the Factions and Agenda cards from across all Faction Packs and Expansion packs. Alien Frontiers: Factions includes every single faction and agenda card from the entire history of Alien Frontiers.
DiceBot MegaFun
In the future, robots battle it out to the amusement of humans. Players are the robots who must reach into the junkyard to grab dice displaying various parts and place them on their robot sheet. Each player places 6 parts dice onto their sheet – 5 in the body area and one in the head.
Europa Base Alpha
There is no Cold War that is more chilling or isolated than on the untouched surface of Jupiter’s moon, Europa. The nations have broken apart and are now in a race to get defenses established on Europa before it is too late. Will you take control of Europa with the largest network of installations or will you be left in lunar dust?
Tawantinsuyu: The Inca Empire
Gather your people from the villages below and use their unique abilities to strategically place them where they can perform the greatest tasks for you. Climb the steps of the Sun Temple, reaping the rewards of your piety. Build structures that both nourish your people and provide you with benefits no other has at their disposal. Muster an army and conquer villages in the four realms of Tawantinsuyu. Prove yourself a worthy successor to Pachacuti and lead the Inca to glory!
Kibble Scuffle
Wow, you have a lot of cats, and they all need to eat! Clash their personalities in fun and exciting ways to feed them kibble and win the game. Using the game box as a cat food box to store the food cubes, players take turns placing their cats at bowls and resolving their abilities. For example, the Pounce Cat removes a cat at a bowl. The Greedy Cat eats two food cubes. The Mangy Cat forces another cat to move away from their bowl. Once there are 5 cats at any food bowl, the feeding (scoring) phase begins, followed by a new round.
Fifth Avenue
Building in New York City is booming and everyone wants to get in on the new fad – buildings that touch the sky: skyscrapers! Players compete to build their sky scrapers in the best locations, but what is a good location? One with shopping – and the more shopping, the better!
Mammoth Hunters
Imagine a cold and windy autumn day about 30,000 years ago. For hours the hunters have shadowed the mammoth herd. Will they succeed? Will they be able to bring down one of the huge beasts? If they succeed, the beast will feed the tribe for many weeks
In a distant land, many years ago there rose a great and wealthy city. Its name, now forgotten by most, was Hermagor. Commerce was the source of its richness, because from all its territory men, artisans, and adventurers brought to the city all kinds of merchandise to sell there: weapons, ancient books, precious relics, and the rare dragon eggs.
The Way of the Bear
The Way of the Bear
Long long time ago, before age of human, there were four bear clans who help the king to reign over Northeast Asia. The time has come for the king to decide who will be the heir to the throne. The clans send their princes to the world to acquire all the qualifications to be the next king. They travel from town to town and build sacred bear statues; they inherit knowledge of religion, education, military, and commerce in return. The new journey is about to begin. Who will succeed to the throne?
Guild Master
Trouble is on the rise. And for adventuring guilds this spells opportunity.
Fast Forward: Fear
Do you fear ghosts? Or are you confronting the danger and scaring your opponents?
You are a formidable villain; your sinister conquests are innumerable. But there is one foe that even you cannot vanquish alone, Archerex, the lord of Dragons. A hoard of treasure beyond imagining waits to be claimed, and the scales of this dragon are more valuable than any amount of gold or gems! Will your loose alliance be able to take down Archerex, or will this great dragon’s rage consume you all?
Double Agents - City of Spies
New spies arrive to town and with new abilities. Besides Estoril, players will also fight in Lisbon, where they will find new ways to create the best network of spies.
From majestic Maples to ancestral Oaks, players nurture their trees aiming to thrive over the course of a year in a beautiful National Park.
In the spring, players carefully grow their trees, scoring as hikers enjoy traveling the trails in summer.
BLANK is the fast and fun interactive card game you customize with every win! As you play, you create new rules and card effects, making your copy of BLANK unique.
Windmill Cozy Stories
The playful wind wanders around the world, whirling from one windmill to another. Along the way, he catches the stories as they are told.
He carries them past our windows, throws them as dewdrops at our feet, and hides them in the rustle of the leaves high above our heads. They are hidden everywhere, speaking softly to us. So on bright spring mornings or warm autumn evenings, when we go out into the garden or sit by the fire, we listen to the hispers of the wind and share his cozy stories.
Jurassic Parts
Jurassic Parts is a small box area enclosure and set collection tile game featuring dinosaur fossils! The game is designed by Kevin Lanzing (Flash Point Fire Rescue) and illustrated by Andrew Bosley (Everdell, Everdell: Pearlbrook, Tapestry, and The River).
Trinidad Deluxe
1580, South America: a new colony born on the ashes of the previous settlement. The difficulties are many: the natives who try to repel the invader, the laking of resources, the English Corsairs who threaten destruction. Will you succeed in the challenge?