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Fabula Rasa Seemannsgarn
In Fabula Rasa, the players take turns telling a constantly changing story, as is typical of oral tradition. The motifs on the maps provide visual cues for central persons, objects and locations of the story, which must be remembered in the correct order. Creative and challenging to the memory is the fact that in each round, cards disappear and new ones are added. Those who succeed as storytellers in presenting their version of the story without mistakes are rewarded accordingly.
Alien Artifacts
Alien Artifacts
Alien Artifacts is an 4x-style card game in which you play as an interplanetary corporation, sending your research vessels into uncharted space to expand your knowledge and power. Build your ship, research tech, and explore the galaxy for anything — or anyone — you can exploit. Alien Artifacts provides a true 4x experience in under an hour.
A medium-weight dice placement and resource conversion euro game where you play as early sea-faring Polynesians seeking to spread their culture across the archipelago of Tungaru.
Upon a Salty Ocean
The city of Rouen is the main French port at the beginning of the XVI century. The City’s wealth is dependent on fishing and trading salted fish. Salt produced in the mines has to be loaded onto ships and used to preserve herring and cod fished in the Atlantic Ocean.
20th Century
In the 20th Century, every region strives to develop. Some become financial leaders, others become centers of learning. Science and commerce propel nations into the future – but what kind of future? Growth produces waste, and advances come with a cost to the environment. How will you mitigate the inevitable ecological catastrophes?
By Golly!
A children\'s memory game. A hand of colorful cards depicting birds, worms, etc are dealt to every player, and around 20 cards that match the cards in the player\'s hands are scattered face down around the table. Players must match cards from their hand with cards on the table to clear out their hand. First to do this wins.
Season of Prophecy Pack - Twilight of the Gods
New to Twilight of the Gods, three new Seasons are ready to be revealed for the Age of Revelation!
Seasons are 50-card packs that expand upon the current Age (in this case, Age of Revelations). Each pack includes at least one new Deity card plus new cards for each faction (and a few original base game cards) with enough copies to reach your full deck-building potential.
Season of Apocalypse Pack - Twilight of the Gods
New to Twilight of the Gods, three new Seasons are ready to be revealed for the Age of Revelation!
Seasons are 50-card packs that expand upon the current Age (in this case, Age of Revelations). Each pack includes at least one new Deity card plus new cards for each faction (and a few original base game cards) with enough copies to reach your full deck-building potential.
Season of Epiphany Pack - Twilight of the Gods
New to Twilight of the Gods, three new Seasons are ready to be revealed for the Age of Revelation!
Seasons are 50-card packs that expand upon the current Age (in this case, Age of Revelations). Each pack includes at least one new Deity card plus new cards for each faction (and a few original base game cards) with enough copies to reach your full deck-building potential.
Stamp collecting: The most dangerous game. They’re polite on the surface, but truly cunning strategists underneath. Featuring colorful art and simple symbology, Stampede plays quickly and elegantly as players plan efficient moves to complete their stamp collection
Guild Master
Trouble is on the rise. And for adventuring guilds this spells opportunity.
Enigma: Beyond Code
World War II is in full swing. Germany widely uses Enigma rotor cypher machines. Breaking the Enigma code would give the Allies an advantage in the war. But this is just one side of the coin.
The Enigma code is based on Chaos — a non-measurable force lurking beyond the boundaries of our world and eager to consume all things alive. The code decryption would stop the Chaos invasion into our world.