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In some of the best versions of reality, the Egyptians discover America, the industrial revolution happens early, and robots take over. In others, the Renaissance produces a plutocracy which leads to a utopia(or perhaps to anarchy). It’s all in the subtle details.
The Doge Ship
Venezia, five centuries ago. In order to celebrate the glory of Venezia, the Doge, the maximum authority of the Republic, ordered the construction of a new state ship.
In the game, the players play the role of the most skilled shipbuilders of Venezia who are called by the Doge to cooperate on the construction of the new ship. Each player has to build parts of the Ship in order to earn victory points, but also Gondolas to get money, and Barriers for the protection of the shipyard and the city.
Upon a Salty Ocean
The city of Rouen is the main French port at the beginning of the XVI century. The City’s wealth is dependent on fishing and trading salted fish. Salt produced in the mines has to be loaded onto ships and used to preserve herring and cod fished in the Atlantic Ocean.
Credit Mobilier
A speculative railroad game of building track, moving goods, and buying shares for 2-5 players for about an hour. During the building of the transcontinental railroad the owners of the Union Pacific Railroad Company set themselves up as the owners of a construction company – The Credit Mobilier.
Furstenfeld is an economic game for 2-5 players.
The players are princes and own their own “Fürstenfeld”, where they produce hops, barley, and spring water. They sell their harvest to different breweries, which have different demands for the 3 goods.
Rails of New England
New England Rails is a business game set in 19th century New England for two to five players. Each player takes on the role of a would-be business tycoon seeking to increase profits by expanding business holdings and connecting them by railroad to major cities.
20th Century
In the 20th Century, every region strives to develop. Some become financial leaders, others become centers of learning. Science and commerce propel nations into the future – but what kind of future? Growth produces waste, and advances come with a cost to the environment. How will you mitigate the inevitable ecological catastrophes?
The Heavens of Olympus
Zeus, the greatest of the gods, has decided that he wants to construct a universe to gaze upon from high atop Mount Olympus. He has enlisted the help of several unknown gods to do this for him.
Ultimate Werewolf
16th Century: Suddenly the peaceful country life is over for the inhabitants, because there are some unfriendly werewolves hiding in the small village. The werewolves are slowly spreading and a real danger for all the humans, who live there. Can you rescue the complete village with the other loyal citizens before it is destroyed?
Guild Master
Trouble is on the rise. And for adventuring guilds this spells opportunity.
Executives - The Networks
So youʼve proven your worth in the past. We know you can run an ordinary TV network. Big deal. We have a bigger challenge for you. Here are 12 unique Network Executives, each with their own weird characteristics. Every Executive has powers, but they also have significant liabilities. Can you master each executiveʼs idiosyncrasies, draft the best Season 0 cards, claim your true status as a Mogul, and come out on top?