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  • Mechanism: Dice Rolling
  • Category: Territory Building
Merlin's Beast Hunt
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  • -60%

Merlin's Beast Hunt

£19.98 £49.95
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Most know of the tournaments of knights hosted by Arthur, but only a few know of Merlin’s Beast Hunt tournament! Held on a remote isle, mages use magical seeds and their own sorcery to create fences of natural elements to enclose and capture various beasts.

Availability: In stock
Star Trek: Ascendancy
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  • -20%

Star Trek: Ascendancy

£55.96 £69.95
Free Shipping

Boldly go where no one has gone before. In Star Trek: Ascendancy — a board game of exploration, expansion and conflict between the United Federation of Planets, the Klingon Empire, and the Romulan Star Empire — you control the great civilizations of the Galaxy, striking out from your home worlds to expand your influence and grow your civilization.

Availability: Out of Stock
Star Trek Ascendancy - The...
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Star Trek Ascendancy - The Breen Confederacy

£23.96 £29.95
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Little is known about the secretive Breen, not their appearance, and not even whether they are a single species, or several. Intensely territorial, the Breen annihilated the Klingon fleet sent to conquer them, leaving the Klingons no wiser as to who or even what they were facing

Availability: Out of Stock
Star Trek Ascendancy - The...
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Star Trek Ascendancy - The Dominion War

£35.95 £39.95
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Through their Vorta commanders and Jem\'Hadar super soldiers, the Founders rule as Gods, bringing order to the galaxy. The discovery of the Bajoran Wormhole brought this ancient civilisation onto conflict with the more youthful civilisations of the Alpha Quadrant.

Availability: Out of Stock
Warriors of Middle Earth -...
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  • -21%

Warriors of Middle Earth - War of the Ring

£39.46 £49.95
Free Shipping

"Your games of War of the Ring grow even more epic as some of the many folks and creatures of Middle-earth grow into essential parts of the action! Muster the Ents to free Rohan, storm the lands of the South leading an Army of the Dead, let giant Spiders crawl out of the darkness to terrify your enemies and much more. Includes new plastic figures, Action Dice, Faction Cards, Events and more."

Availability: Out of Stock
War of the Ring - Second...
  • -23%
  • -23%

War of the Ring - Second Edition

£76.96 £99.95
Free Shipping

Immerse yourself in J.R.R. Tolkien\'s epic fantasy in this grand strategy board game! Fight a bitter military conflict between the Free Peoples of Middle-earth and the evil minions of Sauron while leading or hunting the Fellowship on their quest to Mount Doom. Play out events from the story - or ways it could have gone - with evocative Event and Character cards and forge the destiny of an age. 

Availability: Out of Stock
War of the Ring: Lords of...
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  • -23%

War of the Ring: Lords of Middle Earth

£26.94 £34.99
Free Shipping

"Explore a variety of alternative timelines for the epic saga of Lord of the Rings in this expansion for War of the Ring! New and variant characters including Elrond, Smeagol, Gandalf and the Witch-King enter the game with new Action Dice, accessories, counters and rules."

Availability: Out of Stock