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Zombicide: White Death – Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Timecrash
Zombicide: 2nd Edition – Monty Python's Flying Circus: A Rather Silly Expansion
Zombicide: White Death – Crossfire Pack
he Crossfire pack contains both a new type of Guard and a new type of Zombie which you can add to any of your Zombicide fantasy games!
Zombicide: White Death – Climbers & Terrorcotta Walkers
The Climbers & Terrorcotta Walkers Optional Buy comes with two new types of Zombies which you can add to any of your Zombicide fantasy games!
Zombicide: White Death – Eternal Empire
Zombicide: White Death - Eternal Empire is a campaign expansion. The Kickstarter version of this expansion grants you two Kickstarter Exclusive Survivors, the star-crossed lovers, Chang E and Hou Yi! But it will be available in retail
Zombicide: White Death – Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Timecrash
TMNT Zombicide: Timecrash is a full-fledged expansion for Zombicide: White Death.
Zombicide: White Death – Divine Beasts
The Divine Beasts set contains 4 different Abominations based on mythical creatures that bring a new level of challenge to your Zombicide games.
Zombicide: White Death
Winter is upon us and its dark and cruel night brings forth dreadful menaces, worse than frostbite...
Zombicide Medieval Fantasy is back!
With new survivors, new zombies, new setting, and new rules!
Zombicide: 2nd Edition – Monty Python's Flying Circus: A Rather Silly Expansion
And now for something completely different.
The zombie invasion is about to get very silly indeed with the introduction of the Monty Python’s Flying Circus expansion for Zombicide 2nd Edition! Some of the most nonsensical creations from the classic TV show by the revered English comedy troupe are being brought to the tabletop through amazing miniatures and irreverent gameplay.
Sub Terra II: Arima's Light Expansion
The Arima\'s Light expansion for Sub Terra II introduces 5 new characters for explorers to play as, the Magician, the Escape Artist, the Fortune Teller, the Strongman, and the Beastmaster (who also comes with a hound!). Along with these new unusual and intriguing characters Arima\'s light introduces a \'prequel\' game mode where an original cast of characters attempt to lock away the evil magic of Typhaon, the volcanic spirit.
Marvel Zombies: A Zombicide Game – Guardians of the Galaxy Set
The Guardians of the Galaxy Set is an expansion for Marvel Zombies that adds a roster of space-dwelling characters to the game, including the ragtag members of the Guardians of the Galaxy. This band of living and zombie heroes must all contend with the momentous threat of zombie Thanos, as he wields the Infinity Stones to fulfill his mad plan!
Marvel Zombies: A Zombicide Game – Clash of the Sinister Six
Clash of the Sinister Six features special Team vs Team Missions, pitting two groups of players against each. In this unique game mode, you’ll control a team of either Super Hero or Zombie Heroes, each team with 3 to 6 characters, each side attempting to eliminate the other while completing mini-objectives around the map to gain extra benefits.
Marvel Zombies: A Zombicide Game – Hydra Resurrection
As the chaos between living and zombie heroes rages on, the Red Skull attempts to seize power by commanding a legion of zombie Hydra Troops. Well trained and well armed, this horde will pose a threat to Super Heroes and Zombie Heroes alike.
Marvel Zombies: A Zombicide Game – Fantastic Four: Under Siege
Featuring Super Heroes, Zombie Heroes, and Bystanders tied to Marvel’s First Family, this expansion takes the action from the ground floor all the way to the roof of the Baxter building, in a unique floor-by-floor board setup that allows players to run this deadly gauntlet in order to secure Reed Richard’s fantastic technology! This unique location will be explored over several new scenarios for both Hero Mode and Zombie Mode.
Dune Game Mat
Conquer Arrakis with this deluxe collector\'s game mat (36\' x 24\') for Dune, A Game of Conquest, Diplomacy & Betrayal. Scaled up 135% for maximum visibility, the Dune Game Mat is accompanied by Sandworm, Storm and Family Atomics special edition miniatures.
Munchkin: Harry Potter
The race is on to be the top witch or wizard in this version of Steve Jackson’s classic roleplaying card game, where you can play as a member of your favorite Hogwarts house and scuffle with other students to reach Level 10 first! Acquire Allies, use Proficiency, and deal Curses to dungeon-crawl your way to the top in a whole new way to enjoy the magical movies you love.
Zombicide: Invader
It\'s a fight for survival in the dark reaches of space! Work together to defend yourselves against an onslaught of murderous aliens in this sci-fi spin on the hugely popular action game.
Power Rangers: Heroes of the Grid – Zeo Rangers Pack
The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers discover the Zeo Crystal and gain access to brand new powers and zords!
The Zeo Ranger Pack adds 5 new playable heroes, along with their unique Zords and powerful Zeo Megazord to Power Rangers: Heroes of the Grid. The five core members of the Zeo Rangers: Tommy Oliver, Adam Park, Rocky DeSantos, Tanya Sloan, and Kat Hillard leap into battle using new and unique Zeo Ranger abilities.
Unfathomable: From the Abyss
In From the Abyss, a new expansion for Unfathomable, the SS Atlantica and its journey to Boston are submerged in even deeper peril. New, horrifying monsters emerge from the depths of the Atlantic Ocean to assail the ship, and the waters of the ocean itself have grown violent enough to sweep the passengers overboard. New treacheries are here to sabotage the ship, and with the mythos deck doubling in size, fresh dangers will threaten the Atlantica at every turn.
Western Legends: Blood Money
To become a legend, it takes grit, cunning, and a little luck. Problem is, you ain\'t the only one looking to make a reputation for yourself. So you have to be willing to risk it all, every hard-earned dollar, every drop of blood, to write your name across the face of history.
Sub Terra II: Typhaon Wakes
In the Typhaon Wakes expansion for Sub Terra II, players are introduced to three new types of guardian to contend with in their quest to extract the mysterious artifact.
Volatile guardians that can explode and cause massive damage, ranged guardians that can attack from afar, and the eternal guardian, who will not rest until you are gone from the temple.
Sub Terra II: Inferno's Edge
Sub Terra II: Inferno\'s Edge is a cooperative adventure board game. You and up to five friends must explore a tile-based volcano temple to steal a legendary artifact. To get it, you must find the path to the inner sanctum, unlock the secrets within, then escape the way you came.
Talisman Revised 4th Edition: The Firelands Expansion
A new peril erupts in the realm with The Firelands expansion for Talisman (revised 4th edition). The legendary Ifrit have returned to exact fiery vengeance on the land of Talisman. The Ifrit\'s inferno will char the land, burning away players\' resources and setting entire regions ablaze. Players must race to battle this terrible threat since only the Crown of Command can truly extinguish the Ifrit\'s flames. Only the greatest of heroes will rise from the flames to complete the quest across The Firelands.
Zombicide: Green Horde
This sequel to the Zombicide: Black Plague will bring players back into a world of deadly medieval fantasy, this time filled with infected orcs and goblins who will put survivors to the ultimate test. This green menace is not only stronger than their human counterparts, but they also tend to gather into massive hordes that ambush the survivors when they least expect it.
Zombicide: Black Plague
Transport the zombie apocalypse into a fantasy medieval setting! Take control of elves and dwarves, paladins and mages, to defeat the zombie hordes and their Necromancer overlords in this revamped version of the classic Zombicide game. Level up your survivors as you tackle a whole new set of missions in an incredible new world.
Dune: Board Game - Special Edition
Let the spice flow! The beloved strategy game set in the incredible world of Frank Herbert\'s DUNE returns in an updated edition. Who will gain control of the planet that is home to the only source of the most valuable substance in the known universe? This special edition includes three exclusive miniatures: the Storm, the Worm and the Atomic Explosion.