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Intrepid is a game about surviving 220 miles above Earth aboard the International Space Station. Players take the role of astronauts from a variety of nations, bringing their unique technologies to bear. Players must work together to generate enough life-sustaining resources each round, all while working to resolve the disaster they are facing.
Merlin's Beast Hunt
Most know of the tournaments of knights hosted by Arthur, but only a few know of Merlin’s Beast Hunt tournament! Held on a remote isle, mages use magical seeds and their own sorcery to create fences of natural elements to enclose and capture various beasts.
Power Rangers: Heroes of the Grid – Shattered Grid
Lord Drakkon, an evil warlord from an alternate reality, is threatening Power Rangers across time and space! The Rangers must team up to fight and protect our world from his tyranny. Only by working together can they thwart his evil plans.
War of the Ring: Lords of Middle Earth
"Explore a variety of alternative timelines for the epic saga of Lord of the Rings in this expansion for War of the Ring! New and variant characters including Elrond, Smeagol, Gandalf and the Witch-King enter the game with new Action Dice, accessories, counters and rules."
Power Rangers: Heroes of the Grid – Cyclopsis Deluxe Figure
Face off against one of the Power Rangers’ toughest enemies ever Cyclopsis! This War Zord, represented by a giant-scale miniature, will not go down easily. The Rangers will need to coordinate their attacks to defeat Cyclopsis, who gets stronger as he takes damage!