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Unmatched: Slings & Arrows
All the world\'s a stage in Unmatched: Slings and Arrows, while the Globe Theater is a battlefield. William Shakespeare steps up to the fight along with three of his wondrous characters: The Wayward Sisters, Hamlet, and Titania. Shakespeare\'s deck, designed by Jonathan Guberman, was one of the winning decks in a 2020 design competition, and it rewards players for completing lines in iambic pentameter. The Wayward Sisters, a runner-up in that competition from Jason Hager, is a multi-hero deck that challenges you to bring the witches\' potion machinations to life with cunning co-ordination.
Critters at War: Flies, Lies & Supplies
Gather your forces and face off in the air, land, and sea! Outsmart and outplay your opponent to claim your victory! It won’t be easy, but it will be glorious!!!
*Does not require the original Critters At War game to play
Unmatched Marvel: For King and Country
Unmatched is a highly asymmetrical miniature fighting game for two or four players. Each hero is represented by a unique deck designed to evoke their style and legend. Tactical movement and no-luck combat resolution create a unique play experience that rewards expertise, but just when you\'ve mastered one set, new heroes arrive to provide all new match-ups.
Unmatched: For King and Country features three characters from the Marvel comics universe: Black Widow, Black Panther, and Winter Soldier.
Unmatched Marvel: Teen Spirit
Unmatched: Teen Spirit features four characters from the Marvel comics universe: Ms. Marvel, Squirrel Girl, and the team of Cloak and Dagger.
Marvel United: Guardians of the Galaxy Remix
The Guardians of the Galaxy Remix expansion for Marvel United offers some rather unique new content players can add to their games. First, there’s the unlikely heroes of Star-Lord, Rocket Raccoon, and Groot. Each comes with their own unique sculpt and superhero deck. Then, there’s Ronin and his own Masterplan deck. Players can also travel to new and exotic, interstellar Locations. Finally, there’s the Plan B Mission cards. Players can substitute them out for the regular Missions in their games. They’re harder to complete, but finishing all 3 will result in instant victory.
Unmatched: Redemption Row
Marvels most tortured heroes… step into Redemption Row.
A battle between unlikely heroes Moon Knight, Ghost Rider and Luke Cage has broken out on the Raft! Duel it out with these brilliant Marvel characters as you seek the ultimate prize…redemption. Pack punches on titanium, rain hellfire and bring multiple identities in a fight to the bitter end.
Unmatched: Hell's Kitchen
Welcome to hell itself in this Marvel episode of the Unmatched Series.
A battle to the bitter end has broken out in Hell’s Kitchen between iconic Marvel masters; Daredevil, Bullseye and Elektra. It’s time to settle the score, but remember… in battle there are no equals!
Age of Comics: The Golden Years
Age of Comics: The Golden Years Age of Comics: The Golden Years is a worker placement management game in which players will run a publishing company during the golden age of comics (1938-54).
Sentinels of the Multiverse: Rook City Renegades
Rook City. Nighttime. The Cult of Gloom performs their dark rituals, seeking to open the way for their dread lord and master. Rumors abound of a red-masked killer lurking in the shadows. A monstrous giant rat-man-beast stalks the sewers, its terrible teeth teeming with toxins. And, above it all, The Chairman of The Organization — the largest organized crime syndicate the world has ever seen — watches the ebb and flow of his underlings, his subjects, his city. If things need a more hands-on approach, he\'ll send his Operative to deal with the dirty work.
Memoir '44: Operation Overlord
Increase the scale of your WWII battles as Operation Overlord expands Memoir \'44 to up to four players per side with a military-style chain of command!
Sentinels of the Multiverse: Definitive Edition
Sentinels of the Multiverse is back, and better than ever! With all-new art, notably streamlined mechanics, and new stories to experience, this is the award-winning cooperative comic-book card game you’ve been waiting for!
Captain America Hero Pack - Marvel Champions: The Card Game
A man out of time, but never out of courage. Join the fight for freedom and face off against evil as Steve Rogers in a fully playable hero deck for Marvel Champions: The Card Game