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20th Century
In the 20th Century, every region strives to develop. Some become financial leaders, others become centers of learning. Science and commerce propel nations into the future – but what kind of future? Growth produces waste, and advances come with a cost to the environment. How will you mitigate the inevitable ecological catastrophes?
Ystari Treasure Box
This is a box full of expansions for 6 games we have released in cooperation with Ystari Games
Power Grid: Brazil/Spain & Portugal
Power Grid: Brazil/Spain & Portugal includes two new maps for Power Grid: Recharged or Power Grid.
This expansion also includes its own box of the same dimensions as the Power Grid box so you can store your other expansion maps!
Power Grid: Factory Manager
Power Grid: Factory Manager is the a stand-alone game in the world of Power Grid.
Power Grid – Factory Manager is a business development game. You start with a small factory and try to improve it. In the beginning, you may simply focus on increasing the production. Later you are confronted with new challenges: track the ever increasing energy price and cleverly distribute your workers for the best benefit.
The economy was clearly on the wrong track and created a civilization on shaky grounds. It is a world full of chaos and panic. The old values were all gone. After all the resources had been exhausted, magic was mortgaged and technical developments were forgotten. The people of the real and the fantasy worlds struggled to survive in caves.
Revolution of 1828
It is 1828 and the time for elections has come around again in this newly-formed democracy we call the United States of America. John Quincy Adams and Andrew Jackson are the candidates vying for the people’s votes. For the first time in history, this grand campaign is also fought on the pages of newspapers and the eager public audience. This was an election that found its way into history books with its yet unseen ruthlessness and malevolence. This was America’s first smear campaign.
The goal of each team is to eliminate the other by depleting their health pool. Students share a collective health pool. All students and the Anomaly execute their movement behind a player screen, so it\'s rare to know exactly where another player is. Students will try to signal their location to the other students using location hint cards, and the Anomaly in turn will use these cards to triangulate the students\' positions.
In Ettin, you will lead one of eight nations to victory in a series of fast-paced wars, and you won’t do it alone! Players make pairs of allies (Like a two-headed Ettin!), sharing units and strategies as they face their enemies on either side.
Empires rise and fall. In the buffer areas and crossroads between civilizations, however, a clever ruler can sometimes adopt new ideas, establish trade, and found a city state.
Mall World
Players compete in the building of Mall World. It is scheduled to be the largest indoor shopping mall in the world. In the planning, it is important to get the right shops in the right locations.
Fifth Avenue
Building in New York City is booming and everyone wants to get in on the new fad – buildings that touch the sky: skyscrapers! Players compete to build their sky scrapers in the best locations, but what is a good location? One with shopping – and the more shopping, the better!
Honshu is a map-building card game set in feudal Japan. Players are lords and ladies of noble houses seeking new lands and opportunities for fame and fortune.
One game of Honshu lasts twelve rounds, and each round is divided into two phases. First, map cards are played in a trick, and the player who played the highest valued card gets to pick first from those cards played.
[DAMAGED] Disney Sorcerer's Arena: Epic Alliances Core Set
Become the next Master Summoner in this Disney-themed strategic battle arena game, where every choice you make determines your legacy! Recruit a fantastical battle-ready roster of Disney and Pixar heroes and villains, creating incredible combinations that provide endless replayability.
Ironwood is a rules-light, highly asymmetric, card-driven tactical game for 1-2 players. Each round, you and your opponent alternate playing a total of 3 of your faction-specific cards for their action effects. These effects include positioning your warbands, initiating combat, extracting crystals, bestowing temporary passive effects, and many more. When combat occurs, you will use the same cards for their combat values instead, in a simultaneous bid to gain combat bonuses, inflict and fend off casualties, and augment the Dominance value of your warbands to win the combat.
The two factions are completely asymmetric in their play styles, decks, victory conditions - even in which parts of the map they can access.
The Mayor has enlisted some of humanity\'s greatest visionaries to help build Skyrise: a magnificent city in the sky, dedicated to art, science, and beauty. But only one artisan can be remembered as the greatest!
Empire's End
You lead a grand civilization at the height of its influence, but can you save it from collapse? In Empire\'s End, 2-4 players compete to keep calamity at bay. Empire\'s End marries the intuitive and elegant mechanism of reverse-bidding with engine-building, long-term planning, and strategic depth. The result is a game with a quick tempo, abundant tension, and multiple challenging paths to victory.
High Frontier 4 All - Module 1: Terawatt & Futures
This terawatt module introduces two new patent decks: Freighters (1B) and GW Thrusters (1C). Freighters are a new type of patent card allowing the transport of valuable factory goods back to LEO. GW thrusters are more powerful and efficient versions of the MW thrusters of the core game, allowing your Spacecraft to reach the outer planets more easily. This module also optionally introduces Futures, special game goals to earn victory points.
High Frontier 4 All - Module 2: Colonization
This colonization module introduces orbital space colonies called Bernals (2B) and space pioneers called Colonists (2C). These two types of cards extend the core game to go beyond industrializing and exploiting the resources of the solar system to colonizing and settling the solar system. Bernals upgrade your Colonies to give you extra VP, according to the Hydration of nearby Factories. They also award Colonists, which you can take to Sites to perform extra Operations there.
A Game of Thrones: The Board Game – Mother of Dragons
Cross the Narrow Sea with the Mother of Dragons expansion for A Game of Thrones: The Board Game! Clawing their way into power, this expansion includes a side board of the Free Cities of Essos and an overlay of the Eyrie, as well as new characters and mechanics to bring House Targaryen and House Arryn into the fray. As you make your claim to the Iron Throne, you can call other Houses to your cause with the new vassal mechanic, or even ask for aid from the Iron Bank of Braavos. But be cautious, for the Iron Bank will have its due, and if your campaign proves to be a poor investment, the money lenders\' retribution will be swift.
A Game of Thrones: The Board Game
In the second edition of A Game of Thrones: The Board Game, three to six players take on the roles of the great Houses of the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros, as they vie for control of the Iron Throne through the use of diplomacy and warfare. Based on the best-selling A Song of Ice and Fire series of fantasy novels by George R.R. Martin, A Game of Thrones is an epic board game in which it will take more than military might to win. Will you take power through force, use honeyed words to coerce your way onto the throne, or rally the townsfolk to your side? Through strategic planning, masterful diplomacy, and clever card play, spread your influence over Westeros!
El Grande
In this award-winning game, players take on the roles of Grandes in medieval Spain. The king\'s power is flagging, and these powerful lords are vying for control of the various regions. To that end, you draft caballeros (knights in the form of colored cubes) into your court and subsequently move them onto the board to help seize control of regions. After every third round, the regions are scored, and after the ninth round, the player with the most points is the winner.
High Frontier 4 All
This is the 4th ed of Phil Eklund\'s signature game High Frontier. It started with Rocket Flight (1999), a game with the vision to let "Each player start as a spacefaring company in the year 2020 trying to make a profit in trade and technology development." Now that we are at that year, High Frontier has evolved into a modular system open to enthusiasts to keep it updated ever farther into the future.
High Frontier 4 All - 6th Player Add On
All the components needed to play the High Frontier 4 All core game, module 1, and module 2 as a 6-player game.
Ra (Retail Edition)
Ra is an auction and set-collection game with an Ancient Egyptian theme. Each turn players are able to purchase lots of tiles with their bidding tiles (suns). Once a player has used up his or her suns, the other players continue until they do likewise, which may set up a situation with a single uncontested player bidding on tiles before the end of the round occurs.