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Aboard the Starship Exodus, players control seven spacefaring human-machine hybrids embarking on an epic pilgrimage to the stars. The journey will last many decades as you perform actions and place workers to develop technology for survival, terraforming, and colonization along the way. You must also battle many hardships like cancer, stress, or combat against gray goo, and mutineers in a delicate balancing act of tableaux management, decision making, and risky dice rolling. Entire sections of the ship are lost to erosion, lightning, desperation “fryby” star-diving, and foolhardy experiments. Players must negotiate risks and challenges together in a cooperative sense and survive the journey, but competitively, must have the most victory points to win.
Exoworld Survival: Launch Edition
Exoworld Survival is a cooperative colony-building game, set in the alien landscape of a new planet. Each turn, you use your character actions to expand your colony with new modules, manage unique crises, and achieve self-sufficiency on a variety of unique exoplanets. The cooperative game has endless replayablity with a wide variety of exoplanet scenarios, characters, and modules.
Intrepid is a game about surviving 220 miles above Earth aboard the International Space Station. Players take the role of astronauts from a variety of nations, bringing their unique technologies to bear. Players must work together to generate enough life-sustaining resources each round, all while working to resolve the disaster they are facing.
Moon Adventure
You are trapped on the moon due to a massive magnetic storm originating from the sun and all of the supplies have been scattered about the surface.
Sovereign Skies: Expansions Box
"Cosmic Calamity" and "Tides of Triumph", expansions for the strategy game Sovereign Skies, each add 18 cards to the base game and allow players to dive deeper into the beautiful Abyssi Cluster and the events that have riddled its history.
Sovereign Skies
On the edge of space, the powerful houses of Old-Earth have finally discovered an abundant source of Atlum energy in the Abyssi cluster, a system of six alien planets striving to maintain peace.
High Frontier 4 All - Module 1: Terawatt & Futures
This terawatt module introduces two new patent decks: Freighters (1B) and GW Thrusters (1C). Freighters are a new type of patent card allowing the transport of valuable factory goods back to LEO. GW thrusters are more powerful and efficient versions of the MW thrusters of the core game, allowing your Spacecraft to reach the outer planets more easily. This module also optionally introduces Futures, special game goals to earn victory points.
High Frontier 4 All - Module 2: Colonization
This colonization module introduces orbital space colonies called Bernals (2B) and space pioneers called Colonists (2C). These two types of cards extend the core game to go beyond industrializing and exploiting the resources of the solar system to colonizing and settling the solar system. Bernals upgrade your Colonies to give you extra VP, according to the Hydration of nearby Factories. They also award Colonists, which you can take to Sites to perform extra Operations there.
High Frontier 4 All
This is the 4th ed of Phil Eklund\'s signature game High Frontier. It started with Rocket Flight (1999), a game with the vision to let "Each player start as a spacefaring company in the year 2020 trying to make a profit in trade and technology development." Now that we are at that year, High Frontier has evolved into a modular system open to enthusiasts to keep it updated ever farther into the future.
High Frontier 4 All - 6th Player Add On
All the components needed to play the High Frontier 4 All core game, module 1, and module 2 as a 6-player game.