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Acquire: 60th Anniversary Edition
Sid Sackson’s ACQUIRE has been a classic game of real estate since its release in 1964. Celebrate the 60 year anniversary with this very special edition featuring deluxe components.
The players take the roles of Mallorcan farmers, who strive to harvest as many of the island‘s tropical fruits: figs, almonds, olives, oranges, grapes, and lemons, as possible. The players deliver their harvested fruits to the island communities, which have constantly changing requirements during the course of the game. For these deliveries, the players receive victory points. In the end, the player with the most victory points is the winner.
You and your competitors’ transit companies have been hired by the city to build new subway lines and commercial developments to improve the city\'s bottom line.
Crossing Oceans
Towards the end of the 19th Century, ever larger and faster ocean liners revolutionized the growing maritime traffic. Daring shipping companies opened steamship lines to the most important ports worldwide. Modern steel juggernauts replaced traditional sailing ships and competed intensely for dominance on the major shipping routes.
Following a series of calamities that left civilization in shambles, societies around the world are being rebuilt anew in harmony with nature. Scotland lies in ruins and the ancient clans have taken it upon themselves to restore the land. As clan leaders you will compete for strategic control of the land by rebuilding its prestigious castles.
Dom Pierre
The game is played in rounds, each round consisting of one action turn for each player starting with the first player and continuing clockwise.
Virtual Revolution
2047: Most of humanity escapes reality through Verses, virtual universes developed by powerful mega corporations. These businesses are willing to do anything and everything to gain market share. You work for one of them, and your mission in Virtual Revolution is to become the ruler of Neo-Paris.
Tiny Epic Galaxies BLAST OFF!
A Streamlined Successor to the best selling game Tiny Epic Galaxies. BLAST OFF! Will have you learning and teaching the game faster than ever! Immediately shuffle the Planet Deck, featuring 100% icon based abilities, set them in orbit and you are on your way. Turns will consist of rolling Stunning Galaxy Dice and executing simple actions that lead to epic play! Tiny Epic Galaxies BLAST OFF! features an off turn mechanic called following. This ensures you will stay engaged and allows for it to always be your turn.
Galileo Project
Thirty years after sending the first colonial ships from Ganymede, humanity decided to launch Project Galileo! Its goal: Settle the four main satellites of Jupiter (Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto) in order to broaden human presence in the solar system. This project is named after the Italian intellectual Galileo, the first to observe these four satellites in the sky in 1610.
Arrakis: Dawn of the Fremen
Arrakis: Dawn of the Fremen is a brutal, cutthroat game about tribal control of Arrakis, more than a hundred generations before the Atreides come to Arrakis.
Ganymede: Moon
The Moon expansion brings an additional level of complexity, with powerful councillors enhancing game play if they reach Ganymede.
In Broadhorns! Early Trade on The Mississippi the players take the role of merchants based in St. Louis, financing cargo expeditions down the Mississippi River during the early part of the 19th century.
Burger Joint
In this game, each player runs a chain of fast-food joints: one specializes in burgers and the other in pizzas. As each expands, he takes on some of the menu items of the other in order to compete for customers. Later, each can open family restaurants and even high-class dining establishments. The most successful chain will win in the end!
DiceBot MegaFun
In the future, robots battle it out to the amusement of humans. Players are the robots who must reach into the junkyard to grab dice displaying various parts and place them on their robot sheet. Each player places 6 parts dice onto their sheet – 5 in the body area and one in the head.
A'Writhe: A Game of Eldritch Contortions
Summon the Great Old Ones by having them align their bodies over Arkham. Players gather in teams of two: one is the cultist and the other a Great Old One. The cultist is assisting the Great Old One and attempting to summon them to our plane. To do this, the cultist instructs their deity, with great veneration, to place an appendage on top of an Arkham landmark to complete a specific pattern.
Power Rangers: Heroes of the Grid – Zeo Rangers Pack
The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers discover the Zeo Crystal and gain access to brand new powers and zords!
The Zeo Ranger Pack adds 5 new playable heroes, along with their unique Zords and powerful Zeo Megazord to Power Rangers: Heroes of the Grid. The five core members of the Zeo Rangers: Tommy Oliver, Adam Park, Rocky DeSantos, Tanya Sloan, and Kat Hillard leap into battle using new and unique Zeo Ranger abilities.
Power Rangers: Heroes of the Grid – Villain Pack 2: Machine Empire
The Royal House of Gadgetry has arrived to conquer Earth! The Power Rangers will test their mettle against King Mondo, Louie Kaboom, General Venjix, Prince Gasket, and Princess Archerina. With new rules for paired monsters, Gasket and Archerina can be deployed together as a deadly double-act!
This is an expansion! Requires Power Rangers: Heroes of the Grid to play
Power Rangers: Heroes of the Grid – Ranger Allies Pack 1
In the quest to defeat the evil that threatens our world, sometimes the Power Rangers need a little help! That’s where Ranger Allies come in!
Enhance your game with five legendary heroes from across time and space who have each helped the Rangers in their fight against evil. This expansion includes various allies including Ninjor, Phantom Ranger, Shadow Ranger, Magna Defender, and Zeo Gold Ranger!
Junk Orbit
Space — the final junkyard. Good thing one planet\'s trash is another planet\'s treasure! In Junk Orbit, you\'re captain of your own scavenger ship, picking up space junk and transporting it to any city that will take it. Launch your junk ... uh, *cargo* ... out of your airlock to propel your ship! Race to deliver your cargo as you navigate the orbits of nearby planets and moons!
Star Wars: The Deckbuilding Game – Clone Wars
War! The discovery of the droid factories on Geonosis and the sudden deployment of the Clone Army has set off the Clone Wars. The countless droid legions deployed by the Separatist Alliance have proven to be a fair fight for the Jedi, the guardians of the Galactic Republic. With the fate of the Republic at stake, the galaxy anxiously awaits the outcome...
Stone Age
The "Stone Age" times were hard indeed. In their roles as hunters, collectors, farmers, and tool makers, our ancestors worked with their legs and backs straining against wooden plows in the stony earth. Of course, progress did not stop with the wooden plow. People always searched for better tools and more productive plants to make their work more effective.
Dune: War for Arrakis - The Spacing Guild
The Spacing Guild expansion introduces a Space Board where Guild Heighliners will race through space to bring reinforcements to Arrakis, as well as one Heighliner Board for each faction, where players will stow the reinforcements they’re able to get from the Imperium forces and send hurtling across space to deploy at Arrakis.
In Acquire, each player strategically invests in businesses, trying to retain a majority of stock. As the businesses grow with tile placements, they also start merging, giving the majority stockholders of the acquired business sizable bonuses, which can then be used to reinvest into other chains. All of the investors in the acquired company can then cash in their stocks for current value or trade them 2-for-1 for shares of the newer, larger business. The game is a race to acquire the greatest wealth.
Bruxelles 1893: Belle Époque
This new edition of Bruxelles 1893 is completed with its Belle Époque expansion, both offered in a single big box. Although it respects the spirit of the original game, this new version of Brussels 1893 has been mechanically, graphically and ergonomically redesigned. Those who love Brussels 1893 will find all the pleasure of the original game, and even more because Belle Époque considerably expands the strategic possibilities, without increasing the length of a game.