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Xia: Legends of a Drift System
Xia: Legends of a Drift System is a 3-5 player sandbox style competitive space adventure. Each player starts as a lowly but hopeful captain of a small starship.
Xia: Embers of a Forsaken Star
This is the first expansion for the game Xia: Legends of a Drift System.
Ystari Treasure Box
This is a box full of expansions for 6 games we have released in cooperation with Ystari Games
Honshu is a map-building card game set in feudal Japan. Players are lords and ladies of noble houses seeking new lands and opportunities for fame and fortune.
One game of Honshu lasts twelve rounds, and each round is divided into two phases. First, map cards are played in a trick, and the player who played the highest valued card gets to pick first from those cards played.
Race for the Galaxy: Alien Artifacts
Race for the Galaxy: Alien Artifacts
Race for the Galaxy: Alien Artifacts, is the fourth expansion for Race for the Galaxy, is incompatible with earlier expansions for that game, instead taking the game in a new direction. Race for the Galaxy: Alien Artifacts consists of two parts:
46 new cards including 5 new start worlds to add to the base set, plus a set of action cards and start hand for a fifth player. These can be used without the orb cards.
Xia: Legends of a Drift System - Sellsword Mk II
This expansion contains the Sellsword Mk II, a new ship that can be added to the game in one of 2 ways; as a new NPC (which can be used with all other NPCs and expansions) or as a player ship. This ship is mechanically the same as the original Kickstarter exclusive Sellsword, but with a new paint job, name, and tagline.
High Frontier 4 All - Module 1: Terawatt & Futures
This terawatt module introduces two new patent decks: Freighters (1B) and GW Thrusters (1C). Freighters are a new type of patent card allowing the transport of valuable factory goods back to LEO. GW thrusters are more powerful and efficient versions of the MW thrusters of the core game, allowing your Spacecraft to reach the outer planets more easily. This module also optionally introduces Futures, special game goals to earn victory points.
High Frontier 4 All - Module 2: Colonization
This colonization module introduces orbital space colonies called Bernals (2B) and space pioneers called Colonists (2C). These two types of cards extend the core game to go beyond industrializing and exploiting the resources of the solar system to colonizing and settling the solar system. Bernals upgrade your Colonies to give you extra VP, according to the Hydration of nearby Factories. They also award Colonists, which you can take to Sites to perform extra Operations there.
High Frontier 4 All
This is the 4th ed of Phil Eklund\'s signature game High Frontier. It started with Rocket Flight (1999), a game with the vision to let "Each player start as a spacefaring company in the year 2020 trying to make a profit in trade and technology development." Now that we are at that year, High Frontier has evolved into a modular system open to enthusiasts to keep it updated ever farther into the future.
High Frontier 4 All - 6th Player Add On
All the components needed to play the High Frontier 4 All core game, module 1, and module 2 as a 6-player game.
Modern Art
Make a pretty penny as the owner of a world-class museum in this new edition of the classic high-stakes art auction game! Buy and sell masterpieces while demand fluctuates and earn the most money to win.
Cavemen: The Quest for Fire
Cavemen: The Quest for Fire is a card-drafting game in which players take the role of tribal leaders. The tribes compete for opportunities to hunt dinosaurs, recruit tribesmen, and discover new technologies, vying to be the first with enough knowledge and prestige to invent fire and usher in the age of modern humanity!